New Player Orientation
Welcome New Player. This article is your first step to becoming correctly oriented in the world post redpill. You are probably reading this because you realized there is something wrong with the way the world is presented by the established authorities and now seek a better understanding and way forward (or you want a refresher or to check out how others think about these problems). You might be mad you were misled, you might be demoralized by the direction of society and those around you who blindly follow, and you are probably driven by an insatiable desire to find out more.
The purpose of The New Player Guide is to help others from making the mistakes that I did when I was first redpilled to the establishment’s matrix of control and share the principles and strategies that have worked for me. I had to learn the hard way there is little value in raging against the machine, that I needed to focus on self improvement first, and learn how to live as a Player Character in The Herd of NPCs. This Introduction will give a brief overview of four things I think are most relevant to New Players: Understanding How the Matrix Works, Avoiding The Second Matrix, Leveling Up, and Hiding Your Power Level.
Understanding How The Matrix Works
While it is fundamental to personal progression that we disconnect and move on from The Matrix of Control, having a broad understanding of how it works is necessary as we must ultimately live in both mainstream society while pursuing a life in the parallel society.
Blind and Powerless
The goal of the matrix is to keep people blind to the system of control and powerless so that they cannot change it. This is accomplished through distraction; keeping people focused on less important or even manufactured problems while obfuscating the real ones. Things like social justice, wars abroad, or cultural drama are meant to occupy the herd while the establishment slowly increases its power through government power creep, monopolization of industry, and monetary control.
The matrix of control also promotes ideologies that help perpetuate its power while destroying the power of the people. Attacks against religion, the traditional family, western culture, self improvement, and masculine virtue help weaken individuals and communities that would naturally push back against the matrix.
The Herd
Effectively, the matrix is meant to program a herd morality that everyone must follow to be accepted. You cannot question authority, must believe what you hear on TV, and follow the same superficial ambitions of celebrities in Hollywood and social media. The herd then policies itself, as the NPCs will constantly parrot the talking points of the herd morality and reject and censor anyone who goes against it. In this way, there need not be some grand conspiracy that all institutions are in on. The elite simply must align incentives for everyone to fall in line with the agenda. Follow and you are rewarded with acclaim and praise, break from herd morality and you are canceled and shut off from the benefits of society.
Avoid The Second Matrix
While awakening to the matrix of control is a necessary step towards freedom, simply being aware of the matrix does not necessarily mean you will be free of it. It is unfortunately common for those who are recently redpilled to get caught in what I call The Second Matrix, possessed by an obsession with the system of control. Their whole world becomes warped around researching and talking about the matrix, but ultimately they are both squandering their opportunity to define a path free of the matrix and wasting their energy in non productive ways.
Opposition to Evil
For many who become aware of the matrix of control, it is natural to want to do something about it. These newly redpilled end up diving deep down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory and start seeing the tentacles of the matrix all around them. They become disgusted with the world and withdraw or become enraged. It is a common reaction to focus on the matrix, but in this way, it is just another method of control. A friend might have broken up with his cheating girlfriend and says he is living a new, independent life, but if he is constantly stalking her on instagram, is he truly free?
Wasting Your Time
Even if you think you are different and can dive down the rabbit hole in a way that is healthy, trust me when I say that it is almost impossible to tell what is true and even still, little of that knowledge is practical for living your life. If you are so compelled, conspiracy content should be consumed as if it was any other mindless entertainment and not taken too seriously. There is simply nothing you can do about these things at this early stage of your journey.
Leveling Up
Instead of living in opposition to the matrix, New Players should first focus on building a better life apart. Not only will you make your own life better and thus more worth living, through self improvement, you will become more capable to help others and help bring about positive change.
Freedom From The Herd
The establishment uses the matrix of control to orient the herd towards “the greater good of others” as they define it. We have been taught to focus on making the world a better place through self sacrifice while it becomes harder for each of us to live a fulfilling life. While this might seem noble, this orientation towards the good of the group is the very thing that causes many to get caught in the second matrix, stuck trying to solve other people’s problems you have little control over.
Freedom from the matrix is really a freedom for the herd morality that puts the group above self. It is the realization that not only is there no shame in working to be our best selves, but we should be proud of our ambitions and drive and that we alone are responsible for our lives. This is why so much of Anon culture is focused on self improvement. The matrix wants us to be content with mediocrity while true freedom is to answer the call to aspire to the highest ideals.
Victory Through Better Individuals
This is not to say that we should stop caring about making the world a better place, but it is important to realize that we need to start with ourselves. Often our area of control is small. We might even have trouble having the discipline to pursue what we want. It is as we become more competent and successful that our area of influence grows. And so, if everyone who was awake to the matrix of control focused on things such as building a lucrative career, becoming more well read, and keeping healthy we would have a much better chance of turning the tide.
Hiding Your Power Level
While I could have made this point in passing, one of the biggest mistakes New Players make is not hiding their awakening and pursuit of a new way of life. Much like you are not ready to change the world when you first become aware of the matrix of control, you are not ready to talk with those around you in a way that won’t seriously risk destroying your relationships. Trust me on this, I made this mistake myself and lost otherwise close and valuable friends and while tarnishing my reputation with others.
You Are a n00b
When you first are redpilled, you might think that the matrix is now so obvious that if only you could get five minutes with someone, you could redpill them as well. We are also conditioned as a part of the herd to constantly spout our beliefs as we are constantly awarded with acceptance as long as those beliefs align with the herd morality. Unfortunately, your new understanding of the world is not going to be so well received by others, and it will take time to learn how to talk about any of your beliefs with normies.
The Power of Listening
If you are going to talk to anyone about politics, it is best to adopt a Socratic approach of asking questions and listening. If you do get asked, you are best suited to say you are neutral, don’t know much about the topic and refocus the conversation on them. Not only will this help keep your cover, but as you listen, you will learn much more than you would if you were the one speaking. This is not just a great strategy in the beginning, but an approach you will use routinely going forward.
Player Characters Avoid LARPers
Not only do you risk turning off normies in the herd if you come on too strong, but you will turn away other Player Characters. If I was part of a company and someone at the office was known as “that crazy conspiracy theorist guy” I would not want to talk with him, let alone be associated with him. High level Player Characters have learned how to be multi-societal, to be successful in both mainstream society and the parallel society. They do not want to risk destroying their social capital with normies by befriending someone who doesn’t know how to hide their power level.
Becoming aware of the matrix can be a jarring experience and, just like with many new experiences, we don’t know how best to handle them without learning the hard way or from the advice of those who have gone before us. My goal with this orientation is to help you avoid the common mistakes that I made, and enable you to make a smoother transition.
Most important is that once redpilled, we should not live in opposition to evil, but pursuit of the good. We must realize that we are just starting out on a journey and it is best to adopt a learn and listen approach, hiding our power level, until we have a stronger handle on how to effectively help.
Much of the content to follow in The New Player Guide will be articulating the best practices I have learned that have helped me. I encourage you to reach out to me if you have any questions, feedback, or requests.
Game On.