Reject Herd Return to Frog
My goal with Meta Prime has always been to leave a lot of the drama and fear porn behind and focus on practical knowledge and actionable solutions. I have my fun trolling the NPCs and shit posting, but really it is the desire to discuss ideas and move the collective understanding forward that attracted me to the Frog Network and to create my website.
This past week, I have been working through the first article for the new player guide; brainstorming, outlining, drafting, reoutlining, redrafting, and back again. I do this because it helps me better understand, scope and form the ideas of the piece and make sure that I am presenting them in a way that is understandable and digestible. This process ultimately deepens my own understanding of the concepts and can sometimes lead to insights like the one I am working up to here.
One of the main ideas I wanted to focus on in early versions of this New Player Guide article was that a new player’s key focus should be on self improvement. The idea being that you will be a much greater benefit to yourself and to others the more healthy and competent you are. Healthy eating, pro exercise, and reading for intellectual growth are already ubiquitous topics on the Frog Network so it is not surprising that self improvement is something I would want to advocate, but as I thought more about it, I realized that self improvement was more than just a feature of Frog Network Philosophy, it is the philosophy.
Allow me to explain…
Defined As The Opposition
It is common to think of “Red Pilled” and Frog Anons as defined by an awareness and rejection of the matrix of control. The normie perspective of these groups is also defined primarily by an association to “conspiracy theories” and rejection of mainstream society. My point is that the common definition from both sides is focused on the idea of Opposition.
Not what Anons stand for, but what we stand against.
This characterization as an opposition force keeps the conversation focused on justifying the opposition. Can we prove to others they have been fooled or are we really the fools? The reason I think this characterization is allowed and even promoted is that it is effective at painting anons as crazy in the eyes of the normies while also limiting the anon perspective of what we are and what our focus should be.
Distracted By The Problem
It is true that awareness and rejection of the matrix of control is a defining element of what initially makes us “red pilled”. When I first went through my own experience, I ended up diving very deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole, trying to learn everything I could about what was wrong with the world. But ultimately, I realized it was providing no value to my life or to anyone else’s. Now, an obsession with the problems of the matrix almost seem mastabatory, basically watching different iterations of the same fear porn over and over again.
I would even point out that some red pilled anons get off on it; the fear porn gives them a feeling of superiority, knowing what the normies do not. And while they might think that awareness of the matrix makes them superior, instead, I feel those types of people are simply stuck in another matrix of control. Like people who constantly read self improvement literature, but do not change, conspiracy focused anons will never be a threat to the established order.
Hiding Behind The Problem
One insight from Jordan Peterson that really rang true to me was his take on why Libs are so fervent about social justice. For those who don't want to do that hard work of making their own life better, it is much easier to take on the problems of the world. You can virtue signal how altruistic of a person you are and any dereliction of personal responsibility can be laid at the feet of the greater need for you to fight for social justice. Any failure can be blamed on those who aren’t helping, or others in your group who aren’t helping enough.
Peterson points out that very little progress is made by these social justice warriors because all they do is yell about the problems and never advocate for realistic solutions. More importantly, how could one expect anything from people with no self mastery? If you can’t clean your own room, be successful in your own career, and build good relationships in your own life, how could you possibly expect you could fix the world’s problems?
To some degree, this is a problem that also plagues The Anon Community. Instead of actually making the world a better place, many Anons are in a limbo of watching conspiracy porn and shit posting. They haven’t moved on from living in opposition to the matrix of control.
The Solution
Peterson’s main message has always been that if you truly want to make the world a better place, start with yourself. You have the most control over your own life and thus the greatest potential to make it better. And as you learn to improve your own life and your life gets better, you will have more knowledge, resources, and ability to actually drive positive change in the world around you.
And this is ultimately what we need to be more consciously advocating on Frog Network.
Reject Herd Return to Frog
The NPC are told that everything they do should be in service to The Herd. Pay taxes, welcome immigrants, turn off your power, elevate minorities, accept sexualy deviant people, eat the bugs, own nothing and be happy.
The Herd requires its followers to put the group above the self.
When you are “Red Pilled”, you are not simply rejecting the matrix of control, but rejecting The Herd Morality that prioritized the wellbeing of the many above the individual. But you cannot live without a value system and so must construct a new morality, a new framework based on new values and goals. The danger is you could simply become part of a new Herd.
True Player Characters reject The Herd Morality of service to the group and replace it with a framework in service to the individual, to the self.
So while it is an important element of the anon community to debunk the news and point out the corruption, the best results will flow from a focus on how best to empower the individual anon to be their best self.
I think much of Frog Network is already focused on this. We promote exercise, good diet, and taking charge of your romantic relationships. There is a good amount of discussion on homesteading, career improvement, and self reliance.
Instead of seeing ourselves as conspiracy theorists in opposition to the established order, I choose to think of Frog Anons as Player Characters who have realized their own power and their own limitations and seek to build a better life for themselves and their fellow man.
Player Character
Ultimately, you are a player character. Someone who rejected the need to define yourself by the Herd and are setting out to forge your own path. This movement is not about opposition to the NPCs and the established order, but service to the divine self and the parallel society we are building for a better human future.