Welcome to The Meta Prime Project
Greetings Anon,
The Meta Prime Project is a collection of knowledge for how to safely and effectively break from the mainstream delusion and build a new life as part of The Parallel Movement.
For ease of navigation, below you will find a Table of Contents with short introductions to each of the areas of my written work. I also encourage you to check out my content on other platforms.
If you are new here, I suggest reading The Introduction to The Meta Prime Project as it will provide a good orientation to my work and where to find the content most relevant to you.
Game on 👾

Table of Contents
When we first realize we have been following a mainstream delusion, it can be challenging to find a healthy path forward. It is easy to fall into despair or fall down rabbit holes. The Journey is a guide, broken down into clear steps, for those who wish to navigate the parallel world in a way that will ground them in truth, help them become their best selves, and find a way to contribute to a bright, human future.
Essential to understanding and navigating the parallel reality is the realization that there is a spiritual truth beyond our material existence. While traditional religions are powerful frameworks for understanding The Divine, they have become too stagnant. Meta Religion seeks to create both a language and framework for understanding the universal truths of the spiritual world and how to live a meaningful and fulfilling life in harmony with God/The Divine.
Beyond the core guide of The Journey, there are additional strategies we can learn to better understand our world and how to navigate it. The Strategy section contains a collection of articles on different strategies and how to apply them.
As I write on topics, I have found it necessary to articulate core concepts that run through many of my ideas in the Meta Prime Project. By laying out these concepts in detail, I can simply reference them in other articles for ease of understanding. This creates a common language with which we can further discuss important concepts in the community and continue to hone our understanding.
From time to time, it is important to weigh in on the topics of the day and apply the Meta Philosophy as a fresh angel for understanding these trends. You can think of this like a blog that captures one off commentary on important topics where I believe my perspective will add to the conversation.
Other Content
A catalog of my other content on other platforms including X, Substack, YouTube, and others